
Thursday, March 15, 2012

And the Winners


1 Boxes of yarn and or yarny things will be mailed to each our three winners! Once you determine if you're winner...please make email contact with me and provide your snail address as well as whether or not you're a knitter, or a crocheter or both....and whether or not you're a sock knitter.

The winner from Hat I (a fabulous black wool hat purchased in Charleston on vacation), was drawn from the following participants: (those who donated between Feb 14th and March 14th)
Karen B.
Sherry K.
Bonnie R.
Sandie in Florida
Bonnie B.
Diana K.
Sally B.
Kathryn V.
Patty L.
Gail B.
Otterbein's "Stiches to Share"
Suzy in Ohio
Cheryl S.
Trudy S.
Wendy H.
Shannon P.
Martha M.
Paula K.
Elizabeth R (I need you to contact me)
Sue F.
Theresa A.
AND THE WINNER IS: Bonnie B! Congrats Bonnie B on your win. We're thrilled to have you and your thoughtful hands and hope to see you here often on Bridge and Beyond, with your donations, as well as your comments. Please remember to email me within the next 3 days. (after that time a new winner will be announced). **Added link to Bonnie's Rav page if you want to pop over and congratulate her**

The winner from Hat II (a fun hat purchased in Palm Springs to keep the sun off my head), was drawn from the following participants (those who donations included slippers and or scarves, the two highlighted items for the month of February and March):
Bonnie R.
Diana K.
Otterbein's "Stitches to Share"
Sandie in Florida
Gail B.
Trudy S.
Wendy H.
Paula K.
Karen B.
Sherry K.
Kathryn V.
Suzy in Ohio
Cheryl S.
Patty L.
Shannon P.
Elizabeth R (I need you to contact me)
Sue F.
Theresa A.
AND THE WINNER is Wendy H. Wendy be sure and email me your information within 3 days. Congrats to you, hope to see you here often with your comments as well as your wonderful donations. **Added link to Wendy's Facebook Profile, if you want to pop over and congratulate her.** Edited to add, I've already heard back from Wendy and have her address...1 down and 2 to go.

The winner of hat III (The chatty Cathy portion, those who left comments, each comment counted as 1 name in the hat, so the more comments the more times your name was in the hat--one of hubby's golf hats):
SSeger, Sue F, Patty L., Damaris, Allyson, Sally, Sherry, Liz, AnneMarie, Harvest Hill, Yvonne, Sandie P, Joy D., Jessica, Jen, RoseMarie, Sandie in Florida, Kathleen V., Trudy S., Theresa A., Crochet Princess, Kim, Wendy H.

And the winner is........SSegar. Congrats Sue, and please keep visiting and chatting along with your donating!
**Added link to Sue's Rav. profile page if you want to pop over and congratulate her.** Popped back to edit again...have now heard from Sue as well. 2 of the 3 winners have checked in.

All winners need to contact me via email with their snail addresses. Additionally, please indicate whether you knit or crochet, or whether you do both. It could influence the box of goodies you get to make. Contact via email needs to be within 3 days, after the 18th, a new winner will be announced if contact hasn't been received.

THANKS TO ALL WHO PARTICIPATED WITH KNITTING AND CROCHETING AND DONATING, THANKS TO ALL WHO DONATED THE HIGHLIGHTED NEEDED ITEMS OF SCARVES AND OR SLIPPERS, AND THANKS TO OUR CHEERING SECTION OF CHATTERS. I continue to encourage all of you to visit, to chat. There are many of you, we never hear from here on the blog. Remember you do not need to be a blogger to leave a comment. Comments are nice, they show support for each other's skillful work, comments are helpful to the blog with regard to it's SEO (search engine optimization). Placing well in the SEO makes us easier to find for folks looking for some place worthy to donate their knitted and or crocheted items too. If you are not a blogger, type your comment, then click the drop down box that says name and url, type your name...first name and last initial is all that's necessary and leave the url space blank. Then click publish....quick and easy.

As I wait to here from our 3 winner, Bonnie B, Wendy H, and SSegar....I'll be looking through my stash and picking out some goods to get ready to mail.

**Reasons to launder your items: Yarn sits on shelves in stores collecting dust. Yarn gets stored in our various containers...our stash areas, collects dust, sometimes get musty. Yarn picks up smoke and other aroma's from the house like food and perfume. Yarn attracts furry friends, their hair, and their dander. Yarn picks up oils from our crafty hands as we knit and crochet. And, yarn needs to rest, laundering your items, blocking if need be improves the appearance as well as the freshness of your thoughtful donation. It's not possible for me to launder ever item that comes my way; though I do sometimes need to do that when I open boxes etc. All the afghans I make from your donated squares get laundered and blocked, which also helps me make sure things stay put together. Sometimes squares need a bit more attention in terms of tails being appropriately secured. Please avoid spraying your donations with perfume, air-freshner, and or Fabreeze, it really doesn't replace the benefits of it being laundered. I generally wash the afghans in cold water, on delicate, and lay out to dry/block. Even though most of the yarn says washable and dry-able. I find these gives a good result over the long haul.**

2012 Donations:
Scarves: 56
Slippers: 28
Shawls: 2
Afghans: 9
Mittens: 97
Squares: 128
Socks: 98
Rain Poncho's 2
Cotton Washcloths 15
Misc Items are not counted individually (such as personal care items, headbands, gators, yarn, wrist warmers/fingerless gloves, etc)

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Congratulations to all the winners! Keep those needles and hooks going for this wonderful charity!

  2. Congratulations to the winners!
    A continuar tejiendo con amor...

  3. Thank you Sherry and Damaris for your visits and checking in to see who won.

  4. Yes, congratulations, ladies! A very fun contest, too, Sandy! A great way to get lots of good, fun participation!

  5. Thank you Sandy! I was so wonderfully surprised this morning.
    Congrats to the other 2 winners also.

  6. Congratulations Bonnie, Wendy, and Sue! What a fun surprise for you!

  7. Congrats to all the winners! Thanks to Sandy for keeping things so much fun here. Great tips on laundering and such. I also launder in cold water on a delicate cycle. I try to get them out as soon after that as possible.

  8. Thanks Sandie for adding info regarding laundering. I even find when I wash my hands after working with the yarn, or the squares how dirty they are.

    Thanks Harvest, Sally, and SSeger for swinging by and leaving comments. I enjoyed hosting the contest. Anxious to hear from our 3rd winner, who's not yet checked in.


PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.