
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Feeling full of of Joy

My friend, Joy's donation has me feeling full of Joy! Corney, but true folks. The day after I designed the ghans you saw in yesterdays post (please scroll back if you didn't see them), a 2nd box arrived from my friend and classmate, Joy. Holly Cow how awesome is that! 9 crocheted hats and 2 matching scarves.....fabulous.

Once again, many thanks Joy for your on going support. We here on Bridge and Beyond appreciate you and your helping hands. Please keep up the good work.

***Hold mailing squares til next square collection date, please check working calendar for announcement; unless you're mailing other items and want to include them to save postage costs ***
2012 Donations:
Scarves: 8+2=10
Slippers: 3
Shawls: 2
Afghans: 3
Mittens: 18
Squares: 78
Socks: 15
Misc Items are not counted individually (such as personal care items, headbands, gators, yarn, etc)

**PLEASE check out the new tabs across the top of the blog for information regarding size, colors for your donations, along with some patterns you may use.**

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Nice group of hats! They will help keep more people warm this winter.

  2. Very nice,Joy, you have been busy!

  3. These were made earlier in the year and were stockpiled in my inventory. If not my fingers would have fallen off!

  4. Regardless of "when" they were made - that took some TIME! How very thoughtful!


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