
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Crocheted Granny Square Excitement!

Look, look, and look again! Fantastic, colorful, well made granny squares from the skillful hands of my good friend, Joy. You might remember my excitement when Joy and I re-connected awhile back on Facebook. We graduated from High School together, way back in 1969. She's been a good supporter of our cause ever since. Talk about a double bonus! A rekindled friendship, and willing helping hands!

Look at all the fun colors and designs in Joy's 53 squares! You know I'm going to have fun designing afghans from these for our Project Welcome Home for our folks at The Homeless Families Foundation.

Keep up the good work Joy, and again many thanks!

2012 Donations:
Scarves: 8
Slippers: 3
Shawls: 2
Afghans: 3
Mittens: 18
Squares: 25+53=78
Socks: 15
Misc Items are not counted individually (such as personal care items, headbands, gators, yarn, etc)

**Asking you all, even those of you who aren't bloggers to leave comments on the blog. Let us know you were here, reading, looking around. Let's encourage each other with comments on the beautiful donations received. You do NOT need to be a blogger to leave a comment. Type your comment, click the drop down box that says name and url, leave the url portion blank. That's it....very easy. Hoping some of you who've been shy about leaving comments will help us out and give it a go.**

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. WOW, great donation Joy. Such wonderful colors. They're going to make beautiful afghans!! Can't wait to see what you design Sandy!

  2. Wow, I love the squares that Joy made,they will make a great afghan,

  3. Love all the squares! WOW!

  4. Wowzer!!!!! So many beautiful granny squares. Did you use a smaller needle in making them? I love the way that they seem not not have as big spaces in between stitches. I've been looking for a pattern like that.

    Great job....keep up the good work.

  5. WooHoo! Joy - you've been rocking the granny now! Those look like really nice size squares too - how big are they?

  6. Thanks all for the visits, and comments and for supporting Joy with such sweet comments. Her squares are nice and solid even though it's the traditional granny pattern. Joy....what size hook did you use? Sherry, when I make granny squares, I don't put any stitches in between the clusters and that makes a HUGE difference in how open/solid and warm the squares are. Looking at Joy's squares, believe she also avoids those extra stitches in between.

  7. Thanks for the info Sandy...I'm not sure I really understand what you looks like there are wholes but just not as big as usual. Do you have a pattern that you go by?

  8. Hi Sherry, when you make a traditionally granny you chain 4 or 5 to make your ring and do 12dc into the ring. Generally people separate those 12dc by making 3dc, then a sc...the sc is the space between and that's continued with each additionally row. You do your groups of 3dc chain 1 then 3dc etc with always doing 3 dc, chain 1 3dc in your corners. Though some folks even do 2 chains in the corners between. I don't do any of those sc between the dc, therefore the stitches are closer together. After you've made your 12dc in the ring, simply do your next round of 3dc in the space between the 3rd and 4th dc. Hope that helps? Let me know if it doesn't.

  9. I think these squares are 9X9". I really don't remember what crochet hook I used.....probably an I hook. I used the traditional pattern with the single chain in between the 3dc. My crochet gauge tends to be on the tight side so maybe that's why the spaces don't look as large. That's a good idea to drop the sc between the 3dc. I'm going try that!

  10. Forgot to mention. I was absolutely thrilled to make these squares because it got rid of all my scrap yarn which was driving me crazy as the yarn was all tangled up together. This may sound like a dumb question, but what do you all use to keep scrap yarn organized and neat? Scotch tape on the end piece? Don't know why I don't do that. Can't wait to see what Sandy does with these squares.

  11. Drat, it's me Joy above. Left off my name. :(

  12. Thanks all for the visits and the comments. Thanks Joy for adding your info, you must have a tight gauge, I use an I hook alot too and don't use the sc between and I would say our squares are about the same in terms of openness/closeness. I've edge a group and am getting ready to join...stay tuned for Mother Earth.

  13. Hey Sandy,
    It's scary how tight I can crochet. I have to make a concerted effort to loosen up my gauge. Does this make me uptight? Hee, Hee. I saw Mother Earth and she is beautiful. You have such a knack of putting squares together!
    Very nice job.

  14. It is wonderful what good you folks are doing to help the poor. I'm so impressed. Grannies who are at home and have a lot of time on their hands can make a big difference to those in need. I wish my gran could have taught me how to crochet, but she's too frail now to show me how. She has to use a special Tracfone SVC phone for seniors with bigger keys and letters on the screen as her eyesight is not so great.
    These crocheted gifts make someone feel special as you know it was hand made with love by a generous soul. I'm going to give a crochet start up pack gift to my mom-in-law for a present I think it'll keep her happy. Thanks for doing so much good.

  15. Thanks for the visit Lesley, hope to see you again soon...and often. That's a great gift idea for your MIL. Have her teach you, we who knit and crochet here are a variety of ages, many aren't grannies. The craft has become very popular with the younger set, even have clubs now in schools.


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