
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Construction completed on Red Brick

Ta.....Dah....Red Brick is cemented. It's done folks. There are knitted squares, and crocheted squares. There are granny style squares, and sampler style squares. There are squares of lots of different sizes, AND rectangles included in these afghan. I cemented the afghan with red. There are squares here from lots of different people. Look and see if you can find one of yours, as this ghan was assembled from new and old squares; the initial design was a while ago. However I thought I needed a few more squares to make it the appropriate size, and so held for awhile. As often happens during construction, blue prints and construction plans change. Here's a review of the construction progress.

Here's the first design
Here's the 2nd design after adding about a dozen additional squares

After adding edging and joining, here it is in the works. Some squares got several rows of edging, some got none, and some squares got moved a bit here and there to fit together a bit better as the ghan grew.

Once completed it's was added to our donations for The Homeless Families Foundation as part of our project "Welcome Home.

2012 Donations:
Scarves: 27
Slippers: 9
Shawls: 2
Afghans: 4+1=5
Mittens: 68
Squares: 78
Socks: 35
Misc Items are not counted individually (such as personal care items, headbands, gators, yarn, etc)

With the completion of Red Brick, and this being Valentine's Day, it seems appropriate to share the love. Therefore, I'm launching another contest to share the love of yarn and yarnie things. Starting today, everyone who donates from now until the 14th of next month (March 14th), get's their name tossed in a hat. The winner will receive yarn/yarnie things for their prize. One chance per person. One drawing, one winner here.

Since this contest covers half the month of February (slipper month), and half the month of March (scarf month), each person who donates either of those items get's their name tossed in the hat for a chance. Example you donate socks, hats, and a pair of slippers....your name is in for the above drawing; AND your name is in the 2nd drawing because you donated a pair of slippers. This is a 2nd drawing, and a 2nd prize.

3rd part of the contest is The Chatty Cathy portion. Every comment made on the blog from the 14th of February to the 14th of March gets your name tossed in a hat, if you blog about our blog/cause/ and contest you also get your name tossed in. If you facebook or tweet about it, be sure to send me the link....this too gets your name tossed in the hat. Likewise discussion on RAV, Crochetville where you talk about our cause etc. your name goes into the hat. The more you chat, the more opportunities you have to win. Please leave comments throughout the blog, only one comment per post. If however you're posting a new comment on a post you previously left a comment on...the new comment will count. **PLEASE remember you do not need to be a blogger to leave a blog comment. Type your comment, click the drop down box under the comment and select name and url, leave the url space blank...that way your name does appear.

3 Drawings, 3 winners..........starting right now.

*Please take time and refer size and color requirements listed on tabs across the top of the blog*

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Red Brick! WOW! The will cheer someone right up with all those red colors. Very nice job Sandy.

  2. Sandy,
    You did a great job of making an afghan out of all those different sized squares. You're a wizard!

  3. Hola Sandy:
    Gracias por tu visita y por la invitación para participar en el sorteo.
    This project is beautiful. Wondeful job. Congratulation!

  4. Sandy,
    Great job on an awesome ghan!!! It will surely surround someone with love and warmth!!

    Wanted you to know that Bridge and Beyond is our February Challenge over at Crochet for Charity on Rav. Not computer savvy, so don't know how to let you know other than here.

    Again, awesome job!!!

  5. You rock the ghans Sandy! The love bricks looks like a BIG blanket - perfect for cuddling in a new home.

  6. Many thanks all for your sweet comments and your visits, appreciate both. Allyson, will see if I can find the group over on Rav, sure appreciate being the challenge of the month. Thanks so much for doing that.

  7. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this ghan, Sandy! Red is my favorite color and I can truly see that you were thinking outside the box. This is very unique! GREAT JOB!!

  8. This is stunning. I love how you put the different colors together and in the end it is an amazing work of art.

  9. Thank you, Thank you Sally, Yvonne, and Joy, appreciate your visits and sweet comments.

  10. The Red Brick afghan is beautiful! You do amazing work Sandy.

  11. Many thanks Harvest Hill. So pleased you all liked it, thought it might come off a bit too funky when I got started on it.

  12. Sandy, the Red Brick Afghan is wonderful. I so enjoy sending you things I have made and know they go to such worth places. Thanks for all you do.

  13. Glad to have you with us Trudy, many hands make the task lighter

  14. Stopping by to say hi and love the red brick afghan! What an awesome gift that will be, warm too! I'm still around, using WIFI when I can. No internet at home. :( Take care and happy crafting! I have some scarves and things to get in the mail to you! Hugs! Beth

  15. Great job on the red afghan. Looks very nice.

  16. Good to hear from you again Beth, glad to know you're ok. Thanks Sherri


PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.