
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Stripes, "That's a fact Jack"

Do you remember the movie, "Stripes?" That popped in my head as soon as opened this box of striped scarves from Angie. That quote, "that's a fact Jack", also jumped in my brain. lol Fun movie for sure. So are these for sure. Angie is a fellow Ohioan. I divided her colorful scarves by size. Some for men, some for women, some for kids/teens.
This is box 2 of Angie's donation. Many thanks Angie, our newest pair of helping hands for your donation. Hope to see you here often.

2011 Donations:

Scarves 440+14=454
Hats 931
Mittens 253
Socks 333
Squares 641
Rain Ponchos 216
Cotton Washcloths 339
Sweaters/Poncho's 10
Slippers 110
Afghans 46 (2 sent to our friends at Pine Street)
Misc Items I've not counted misc items like all the personal care items, the neck warmers, head bands, shawl, hot packs, or yarn etc.

Avoid White, offwhite, ivory etc.
Don't tie and cut, leave tails of several inches when you change yarn AND PLEASE, work in all your tails. Only exception is your final tail on a square.
Use washable fibers
Add a note with your name, your state, your email ady, Facebook, RAV, Hive, Ville profile page and or your blog url so I have a means of contacting you.

As the year approaches an end, I'd like you all to spend some time looking around the blog. New things have been added, additionally information. Through time our mission has changed a bit. Please read the updates. The part of our mission though that has remained constant is our quest to help those in need with handmade...hand knit/crocheted/loomed items. Handmade send such an important message of hope.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Love all the scarves! Great job Angie!

  2. Oh color color -- beautiful and toasty looking. Happy holidays to all.
    Sandie in FL

  3. The stripes are so cheerful! I may use this idea to finish up some leftover yarn that I really like.

  4. Thanks all for your visits, and your comments. Appreciate it and it's wonderful to see you all supporting and enjoying each others work.

  5. Very nice, and bright colors too! I haven't been taking a look over here as much as I should I guess. These scarves give me lots of inspiration for some of the yarns I have!


PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.