
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Royalty Ghan in the Works

I've named this ghan, Royalty. The colors made me think of that. These gold, purple, and blue squares are being edge with dark green and should make a nice family afghan both in size and color when completed. It will be donated to our Homeless Families Foundation of course for Project Welcome Home.

Are you busy working on squares? It's the focus for this month in case you didn't know. All details available across the top (see tab labeled Give a Square), and or in the sidebar by clicking on the badge for Welcome Home. Please read BEFORE you knit, crochet and or mail. If you have squares that don't meet those guidelines but would still like to donate, please send me an email. Thanks!

2011 Donations:

Scarves 430
Hats 931
Mittens 253
Socks 327
Squares 641
Rain Ponchos 8216
Cotton Washcloths 339
Sweaters/Poncho's 10
Slippers 110
Afghans 46 (2 sent to our friends at Pine Street)
Misc Items I've not counted misc items like all the personal care items, the neck warmers, head bands, shawl, hot packs, or yarn etc.

Please share our mission with a friend. Hand knit and or hand crocheted items do more then physical warm someone up, it gives them hope. Knowing someone took the time to make something special for hope and HOPE is a powerful emotion.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Sandy, I have yarn that is 3 colors--white, light blue, and dark blue. Is this a no-no for squares? I'd really like to get rid of it. Is wool ok for scarves and/or squares even though it is hand-wash only? Also, I have some denim from an old pair of jeans I'm trying to find a use for--is there anything you can do with them?

  2. Love the gorgeous yarn colors on this one!

  3. These are beautiful colors and the afghan is appropriately named I think! I have lots of left over yarn but not enough to make several squares of one color. Would you still be interested in two or 3 squares made up of each color. My primary focus in crocheting is to help your charity and mental therapy for myself. I do make afghans for my family but not very many.

  4. Jessica, the 3 colors together that generally work out fine in squares, it's just that we don't a solid white square. Wool's not good for scarves unless it's washable wool. These folks really don't have the ability to have something dry cleaned. Wool that needs to be hand washed for squares is a no no. As the other squares are washable and that would create a problem when the whole is then laundered, blocked etc before donating it.

  5. Sherry, no problem on a few of this and that, as I make lots of ghans that are bits from lots of different folks and they also look lovely.

  6. I've been working on a scarf that is just over 1 foot long now--I made one "section" of the wool yarn, about 1.25". If I don't use it again, the scarf (which will be at least 5 feet) will be ok, right? I will make some squares with the tri-color yarn.

  7. I think that will work Jessica, thanks for asking.

  8. Thanks all for the visits and comments, have been working really hard on above ghan, hope to have it finished soon.


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