
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Candy Cane like Donation

These 2 red and white scarves remind me of Candy Canes, how bout you? These 2 crocheted scarves are from Damary's in warm sunny Florida. They're both crocheted. An interest shape to the one on the right. I've not come across one like that before. Thank you for your thoughtful donation, could you send us some sunshine....pretty please! We could sure use it. As of the writing of this post (remember all posts are written ahead and placed in que), it's been raining for days and days. The ground is super soft and squishy. They've issued flood warnings in many areas, we could sure some sun to dry thing up a bit............not to mention, it's cold, we could use some heat too.

*Did you notice the search this blog feature? I've moved it up quite a bit on the blog in case you hadn't noticed it before. Would you like to read all the post that focus on Homeless Families Foundation, or some other topic? Type the words you'd like to search and you'll find all the post pertaining to that.'d like to see all the posts regarding squares, or hats, socks, on a particular person's donations.*

2011 Donations:

Scarves 454+2=456
Hats 931
Mittens 253
Socks 333
Squares 675
Rain Ponchos 216
Cotton Washcloths 339
Sweaters/Poncho's 10
Slippers 110
Afghans 46 (2 sent to our friends at Pine Street)
Misc Items I've not counted misc items like all the personal care items, the neck warmers, head bands, shawl, hot packs, or yarn etc.

The month of December is over half over, for those who like to look ahead I've added January, February, and March of 2012 to our working calendar so you can check out the focuses for those months. The square focus will continue through the end of this month, if you've not yet checked out the guidelines for those squares, please do before knitting, crocheting, and mailing.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. I love read and white -- and interesting texture , too. I think everyone but me goes the "long way" and I do the short "across" rows.
    Happy holidays from sunny FL

  2. Nah Sandie, most scarves are knitted/crocheted widthwise (short rows), if you scroll around a bit on the blog. I do both, but widthwise more often.

  3. Hello Sandy!!! Good news!!! I got a nice box out to you today with hats and mittens in it. Should be there in 5-7 days they say. I forgot to count it all, but it'll keep a few heads and hands warm!

    Very pretty scarves up there. They do look very pepperminty! :-)


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