
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Donated yarn and Squares

Jack Otis Memorial Month, Day 10

donated yarnBox 1 contained yarn and cute squares from fellow classmate and friend Connie. Connie and I attended school together.................a few years back. She and I have enjoyed re-connecting on Facebook, much more regularly then class reunions. She indicated she had come across this ghan start and yarn in closet during some recent cleaning. Feeling she wanted to help, and probably wouldn't get back to this project....she forwarded it to me.
donated yarn and squaresBox 2 contained more squares and yarn. 27 squares in all plus some circle starts. I plan to utilize her squares in a ghan for a little girl for our Welcome Home Project. I used the name Pink Petuna recently in an oddball blanket start through another charity group. I see that name as perfect for this project as well. Though I probably won't make all the squares exactly the way her pattern originally called for....a ghan will be made, and the yarn will be used for this and other projects for our cause. Connie was also a classmate of Jack Otis, so how fitting is this that she found and donated her goods for this month when we're honoring and remembering our friend Jack.

Thank you fellow Ohioan, Connie for your thoughtful donation. Hope to see you here at Bridge and Beyond frequently.

2011 Donations:

Hats 809
Mittens 155
Socks 153
Squares 516+27=543
Rain Ponchos 84
Cotton Washcloths 324
Sweaters/Poncho's 9
Slippers 91
Afghans 42 (2 sent to our friends at Pine Street)
Misc Items I've not counted misc items like all the personal care items, the neck warmers, head bands or yarn etc.

**Can you help us spread the word? Send our link with a personal message to everyone in your email box, please and thanks**

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Connie that was so nice of you to think of this group with your great donation. The yarn is in such nice bright colors and I'm sure it will all be put to good use.

  2. Sandy - I'm jacking the blog. Did you know that today - Thursday is The Big Give? I just read about it. One of the recipients is Faith Mission that you help. By donating today through the Columbus Foundation donations over $20 are matched. I'm going there - NOW - everyone should too! Doubling the $$ donations will double the help. And now back to your regular broadcast...

    Love the yarn and squares donation! Can't wait to see how Sandy works her magic!


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