
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Meeting Fellow Bloggers who Donate

wool scarvesIt's always so fun to meet face to face after first getting to know someone here on line. That's the case with Nikki S, who's blog is (check sidebar). We chatted on line, then we meet unknowingly the first time. That is to say we hadn't planned to meet each other. Through my work, Nikki came in and was.......crocheting, conversation insued, naturally. lol

Thanks Nikki for these 4 scarves, much appreciated keep your hook on the move, hope to see you soon, both here on line and in person.

TIP: If you're making slippers, use thick yarn, or double yarn for a nice thick slipper. You could even make 2 slippers and stitch them together one inside the other for a nice thick and warm, as well as sturdy slipper. They could be reversible if you use 2 different colors.

2011 Donations:

Scarves 339+4=343
Hats 657
Mitts 140
Socks 124
Squares 454
Rain Ponchos 80
Cotton Washcloths 318
Sweaters/Poncho's 7
Slippers 86
Afghans 34 (2 sent to our friends at Pine Street)
Misc Items I've not counted misc items like all the personal care items, the neck warmers, head bands or yarn.

For those who like to plan ahead, I've added November to our working calendar it will be a focus on men through The Jack Otis Memorial Month. Hats, Scarves, Mittens, Slippers, for men. Naturally socks. Keep checking in for more details.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. So very welcome! Thanks for introducing me to your blog and your mission!

  2. Waving Hi! from a fellow Buckeye! Lovely donation!

  3. I always enjoy meeting people from the online world in real life!


PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.