
Monday, October 10, 2011

Cute Cute Crocheted Hats

crocheted hatsOur Dear Friend Bunny has done it again, look at these cute little (10) hats. These crocheted hats should keep 10 kids/teens warm and looking GOOD! One hat has a matching scarf too. Thank you Bunny for your thoughtful donation and your on going support. Both are greatly appreciated.

2011 Donations:

Scarves 319+1=320
Hats 631+10=641
Mitts 137
Socks 124
Squares 454
Rain Ponchos 80
Cotton Washcloths 309
Sweaters/Poncho's 7
Slippers 86
Afghans 33 (2 sent to our friends at Pine Street)
Misc Items I've not counted misc items like all the personal care items, the neck warmers, head bands or yarn.

TIP, please avoid open, airy, lacy stitches. If you can see your hand through the stitches, or poke your finger through the stitches, they're not as warm as they could be

**Did you see who won the yarn from donating scarves? Scroll back to October 8th's post.
***Did you notice the newest section to help identify unidentified donations?
****People have asked about sizing and the previous post for some helpful information on those topics.

Check the map, we're up to 66% with donations from 33 states. Spent more time going through the lists and only a few who donate who have blogs are listed without the states they represent...please sing out and let us know what state your from:
Angela, Rebecca, Ghost, Krystine, Melanie, Peggy, and Jason.

Donations in que from: Sherry K, Liz, Paula K, Sandy, Suzanne W, Nikki, Carol, Frank, Jenn, Jeanette J, Cheryl, AnneMarie, Sandy

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. That's a BUNCH of hats - and represents a BUNCH of work and generosity. Love 'em! The one that matches the scarf - is it knit?

  2. Lovely selection of hats here. Such a nice donation. Where is the unidentified donation page? I'm not finding it.

  3. First section in the sidebar Sandie

  4. What a pretty bunch of hats!

    I have quite a few mittens to send you, but I'm working on a few ear flap hats to add to the box before I mail out!


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