
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hats to warm homeless heads.

crocheted hatsAwesome! 15 crocheted hats from our friend Jennifer S in Ohio. These are all crocheted, and all great for the boys. Click on the picture so you can see the detail/texture in her hats. Very nice. I think she's accomplished that by using back post triples or doubles? I've gotten more hats for girls of late so pleased to get these for the boys. Well done Jennifer. Thank you for your thoughtful donation, and your on going support, it's truly greatly appreciated.

*Thanks for the heads up about my adding these 15 hats to the scarf numbers....fixed it*

2011 Donations:

Scarves 284
Hats 542+15=557
Mitts 133
Socks 101
Squares 420
Rain Ponchos 60
Cotton Washcloths 280
Sweaters/Poncho's 6
Slippers 86
Afghans 33 (2 sent to our friends at Pine Street)

**We into September now, that's our month to focus on scarves if you don't know what you want to make. Remember all items except squares are collected all year long, the working calendar that highlights a particular items is not restrictive.**

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. LOVE that the boys are remembered too! I really like the texture you added too.

    ps:Sandy - the hats were tallied with the scarves - fyi

  2. Jennifer, what wonderful manly hats you have created! There will be some nice cozy heads this winter, plus, they will be so proud to wear them also! Keep that hook flying!

  3. I just posted a link to you on my animal talk blog.

    I hope I can leave this comment. I'm even having trouble leaving comments from that blog!


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