
Monday, August 15, 2011

Squares of Many Colors Donated

crocheted squaresNo doubt you've all heard of The Coat of Many Colors, well.............these are the squares of many colors. Seriously...look at all the fun colors crocheted by our friend Gail B in Virginia. Awesome! I'll have fun putting these together. Solids, and stripes and lots of different sizes. Thanks so much Gail for your on going support. We appreciate you!

We've had some cool nights of late, damp and cold despite the fact it's August. Strange how the weather can turn on a dime. We've shut the windows, as it's a bit nippy. No doubt our friends living outside in the elements are just plain cold when this happens. No doubt either that some are wearing our hats and scarves right this very minute. It's easy for us, I think with the protection of a roof over our heads to not realize these nights that bring relief from the air conditioner for us, don't really bring relief to our homeless out in the elements. So, perhaps our focus of hats for men is really not off base for what is traditionally The Dog Days of Summer. Keep your hooks and needles flying folks it's been feeling very fall like I'm afraid here, which sadly probably means cold weather isn't far behind. Sigh........

2011 Donations:

Scarves 260
Hats 510
Mitts 117
Socks 90
Squares 387 +25=412
Rain Ponchos 58
Cotton Washcloths 275
Sweaters 5
Slippers 84
Afghans 33 (2 sent to our friends at Pine Street)

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Colors - It's a paintbox! Thanks for the helping hands. Sandy - my box of hats is packed - now to get it to the PO! Sandie, in FL

  2. Love your colors Gail - are the squares knit or crochet? I imagine Sandy must have such fun designing blankets when she get such awesome squares with which to work!!

  3. Thanks Sandie for your comment, and the box in route, both are appreciated. Love your descriptive comment....paintbox.......perfect.

    Psmflowerlady, thanks for swinging by, keeping an eye. Her squares are crocheted. Oophs, I usually try to say that.


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