
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Helping Hands from The Peach Tree State

crocheted items for homelessJoin me in thanking and welcoming Diana K from Georgia, our newest pair of helping hands. Diana has donated 2 blankets (I think they're woven ?), crocheted scarves and slippers, toothbrushes. I also think the bright scarf on the left side of the photo is woven? Sing out and let us know Diana. You might need to click to enlarge folks to see the draw string style slippers she crocheted. Diana, can you give me an idea what age group these would most likely fit? Thought perhaps your pattern told you? I like to label items and or divide them when I get them ready to be donated to the various locations in need.

If you didn't get to read the lovely note from Becki at Faith Mission, please scroll back to the previous blog post. I'd love everyone who's ever donated to be able to see it. I also think I'm gonna borrow the quote she listed as her just seems so very appropriate. "Be The Change you Want to see in the World", I want to put that some place prominent here on the blog.

2011 Donations:

Scarves 246+11=257
Hats 510
Mitts 117
Socks 90
Squares 377
Rain Ponchos 58
Cotton Washcloths 275
Sweaters 5
Slippers 68 +16=84
Afghans 31 +2=33 (2 sent to our friends at Pine Street)

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Always good to welcome a new pair of talented and giving hands. Welcome to a wonderful group. The crochet is loely. Are the afghans loom woven or triangle loom woven? I love the color.... warm rose.
    Sandie in very green FL

  2. Oops... "the crochet is LOVELY" sorry for the typo. You may have noticed my signature has changed from 61 to 70 -- I'll blame it on that. And not having my coffee!
    A happy day to all... Sandie now 70

  3. Welcome! Your donation is wonderful and you are helping so many people. Love the slippers.

  4. What a perfectly peachy donation!!!


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