
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Paula Provided Personal Care Plus Positively Perfect

crocheted items for homelessOk, sometimes my brain does weird things like the title to this blog post. lol It popped into my pea picking brain so I posted it. Thank you Paula K from Missouri for your personal care items. They really are positively perfect. 8 toothbrushed, 10 bars of soap, 6 tubes of toothpaste, and 12 wonderfully made cotton (crocheted) cloths.

These items are all needed and very much appreciated. Keep up the good work. I'll be getting packages made very soon, as we're almost to the end of the month of June (remember post are written and in que), and out cotton cloth focus. The response has been wonderful and I thank each and everyone of you for helping out.

Scarves 227
Mittens (gloves) 113
Socks 80
Slippers 55
Ghans 29 (2 went to Pine Street Earlier)

Squares 274
Sweaters 5
Ponchos 50
Cotton Washcloths 77+12=89

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Lovely package (and a heavy one, too!) Good work! I have to try out one of these crocheted wash cloths and see what they are all about-- coming from a non-handmade wash"rag" family. I must be missing something.
    Sandy, I have about 10 hats made but am saving them to display at the Art League so you will recieve them later. Hope you are haveing a bit of sunshine now... Sandie in FL

  2. Awesome Sandie, that you're displaying your work at the Art League, that's very cool. Congrats on that.

    Fingers crossed we're suppose to have sun today. I've got the family coming over for the 4th celebration/cook out.

  3. I was catching up on past donations and todays and you ladies totally rock! Everything is so awesome and will be so appreciated. Great job everyone!
    Have a happy and safe 4th of July.

  4. Amazing! Look at this wonderful package of goodies and that tally list! Woohoo! ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

    The Heart in Hand Project

  5. Paula, you are AWESOME! What a thoughtful donation! Your work is wonderful too! Many thanks!Keep you hook flying!


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