
Sunday, July 10, 2011

A for an Excellent Donation

personal care items for homelessThank you Alexis in Florida. A for an excellent donation of goodies. Alexis was feeling patriotic and made Red, White, and Blue Squares knowing squares were our July focus. NICE! She crocheted her first ever washcloth too, awesome. Ponchos (8) for the rainy times, that we seem to have an abundance of, razors (20) and deodorants (6) to add to the person care packages. She also sent along some regular (4) washcloths.

Thank you for thoughtful donation, Alexis, it's very much appreciated.

2011 Donations:

Scarves 227
Mittens (gloves) 117
Socks 80
Slippers 62
Ghans 29 (2 went to Pine Street Earlier)

Squares 274+6=280
Sweaters 5
Ponchos 50+8=58
Cotton Washcloths 140+5=145

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. What a nice donation, Alexis. There are so many useful things and I know your red, white and blue squares will be put with others to make an awesome afghan.

  2. For those of you with limited time to knit/ about buying store bought cotton washcloths and crochet an edging on em

  3. Not a bad idea Patty, but one needs one of those tools to get the holes in the washcloth without it running, can't think of the name of it at the moment; and the idea behind our mission is handmade, so they know someone took the time to make something special for them.

  4. Great first time washcloth, Alexis! Hope you will continue with us and make many more! The personal items are so needed too! What a super donation......THANKS!

  5. I use a small crochet hook for the holes or a darning needle

  6. Patty tell us about that, would be nice for a blanket edge to with some nice fleece. I really can't think of the name of the tool, it's like a whole punch. You don't have trouble with the hole not staying a hole but taring? I'd love to try this, even if not for the bridge. Sounds like a good idea.

  7. Nope no trouble at all...Joann's sells a tool called an awl..also there is a template called EdgeryDoo you can get online...try using a small crochet hook and practice with a washcloth

  8. EdgerDoo, I think is the tool I was trying to think of, thanks for posting, it was driving me nuts not being able to come up with the name I'm gonna give it a whirl with the small hook and let you know how I do. Thanks for your help.


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