
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cotton is clean and comforting

cotton washcloths Thank you missilebird (RAV), Jen for these 5 cotton washcloths and fleece hat. Very much appreciate your on going support for Ohio's Homeless and those in need.

A cotton cloth ? Someone asked me the other day, as I was knitted what's all the fuss about a cotton cloth. The brief version is of course people need washcloths to get clean. But, those of us who knit and crochet and donate understand it's so much more then that. Yes, you get clean with a cotton cloth (June's focus), but you also know someone made something special just for you. Cotton is comforting, tired, hot or cold that's been out in the elements, skin that doesn't have the advantage of daily baths and showers needs to be treated kindly. Hand knit and hand crochet cotton washcloths do just that.

Thanks to all who continue to use their time, their energy, their skills, and the money to knit and crochet to help others. You are AWESOME!

2011 Donations
Scarves 246
Hats 507+1=508
Mittens 117
Socks 90
Afghans 29 (2 of which went to our friends at Pine Street)
Squares 331
Poncho's 58
Cotton Washcloths 270+5=275

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Jen, your cloths are wonderful! I LOVE the colors you used! Did you make the hat? Keep your needles and hook flying!

  2. Thanks for the visit Sally and your supportive comments of Jen's work. The hat is fleece, she nab it on a good buy and decided to include it in your donation.


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