
Monday, June 6, 2011

Knitted Hats and Scarves for Ohio's Homeless

knitted hats and scarvesThank you fellow Ohioan Susan H for this thoughtful donation for our Homeless. Five knitted hats, and 5 knitted scarves, several are sets, all are wonderfully made. The light blue scarf on the left and the dark brown scarf on the right are 2 different stitches. If you click to enlarge you'll see an interesting design/pattern where the area that would go around the neck is like ribbing while the remainder of the scarf is wider with a different textured stitch. I've not seen this type of design before and wonder if it has a name? Anyone know?

I'm happy to say I've received lots of emails, posts here on the blog, and some notes over on Facebook regarding people busy making cotton washcloths for our June focus. YIPPEE! I love to see our monthly focus energize people into action. AND, this particular months focus has a special connection and need. If you read previously you may already know this, but we received a note from Faith Mission via Facebook that they are dangerously low on washcloths and personal care items, so our timing with this months focus is right on the mark folks. Keep busy your crochet hooks and knitting needles. Remember we need cloths large enough and appropriate colors for the men under the bridges, as well as The Mothers and their Children at Faith Mission.

Time's fast approaching for our comment contest...June 15th is the deadline, that's only 9 days from this post. Get busy and comment away on new and old posts, improve your chances to win the fabulous $40.00 Gift Card from JoAnns. What a fun filled shopping spree you can have with that.

Do you blog? Is your blog url listed on the blog log here? If not, please leave a comment with a link so I can add it. Is your state listed with your name on the blog log and or the list of non bloggers who donate? Still quite a few of you I need to know your state. Please please, leave a comment with the information so I can add it to the list and add to our map at the bottom of the page. It's been awhile since I've been able to add another state to our map. Would love to get that current, and would love to up our percentage of participation. Currently it's at 58% with 29 states represented.

Scarves 203+5=208
Mittens (gloves) 104
Socks 75
Slippers 41
Ghans 29 (2 went to Pine Street Earlier)

Squares 241
Sweaters 5
Ponchos 43
Cotton Washcloths 7

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. The knitted hats and scarves are wonderful. The change of pattern in those 2 scarves makes them "fitted." Very nice!

  2. What lovely scarves and hats you have made, Susan H.! I especially like the light blue color. Your neighbors in Ohio will make good use of these items next winter, I am sure! They will be very grateful and glad to have them! You are an angel!

  3. LOVELY work! I think that is a Seaman's Scarf style? If you google, you will see similar scarves - many with cables too. Susan H - your scarves look so warm and squishy and the hats look like they will provide great coverage during the cold Ohio winters!

  4. The striped hat above the blue one is really neat. It caught my eye right away although they are all very nice.

  5. What a beautiful and generous donation!
    I have a blog. I try to add something fiber (charity work) related every day, however, this past week or so I've been busy working on sweaters and haven't gotten any hats done.
    But I would love to be added to your list!! THANKS!

  6. Oh, Wow! What beautiful work. Anyone would be proud to wear theses hat and scarves.

  7. love the tan/brown striped hat. everything is wonderful

  8. Yep - my fav is the brown stripy one, too. Sandie in HOT FL

  9. Love all those hats and scarves. I'm working on mittens through these hot summer months so will have a boodle of them to mail out to you as soon as the weather starts to turn cold!

  10. Linda, I love hearing that! Mittens are small so it does seem like a good summer project, not like a big heavy afghan on your lap etc. Thanks bunches

  11. I will be giving a weaving demo next month for a local art group and was thinking of taking some of my "woven" hats and a few of the Under the Bridge flyers. Is that permissible, Leader Sandy? If I could catch even one more fish for such a worthy project, I'd be quite pleased. Sandie in dry hot FL

  12. Please do Sandie, happy fishing! We'd love it!

    If you want to email me your snail ady, I'll put some of business cards in the mail to you that you use as well.



PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.