
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Donation from Michigan, awesome

donation for homelessThis wonderful donation of knitted and crocheted warmth comes from our newest pair of helping hands, Cheryl S from Michigan. So happy to have you join us Cheryl and so appreciative of your thoughtful donation.

The slippers are double yarn I'm sure, as they are nice and thick and warm. I'm thrilled to have some so large for the men. Cute matching hats and mittens for the kids, some matching hats and scarves for the adults...a wonde4rful donation indeed.

Scarves 208+3=211
Mittens (gloves) 104+8=112
Socks 75
Slippers 41+10=51
Ghans 29 (2 went to Pine Street Earlier)

Squares 241+7=248
Sweaters 5
Ponchos 43
Cotton Washcloths 12

Three more days to make comments and get involved in the comment contest. The winner will be chosen on the 15th. I'm planning on using Believe about 20 of you are trying to win the fabulous forty dollar gift card from JoAnns. Good luck to all

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Gobsmackingly awesome!!!! What a great mix of colors, and items. There is some serious time and thoughtfulness represented by that picture!

  2. Yeah Cheryl! Welcome to a great group. Your things look perfect! I'm a hat specialist, myself! ;-)) Sandie in simmering dry FL

  3. What a GREAT donation from a very TALENTED lady!

  4. Cheryl, what a wonderful donation and such a variety of sizes and items. I love all the cheery colors. I think my favorites are the pastel hat and mittens right in the middle of the picture but they are all so beautifully done.

  5. Awesome is the correct description here! Cheryl, your work is great; what a beautiful collection!

  6. AWESOME!!! Is right!You are an angel, Cheryl! So many folks will be helped by your wonderful work! Keep you needles flying!

  7. Wow, Cheryl, you've been busy! What a wonderful donation!

  8. Sandy, you had posted about Cat and Dog hair, and an idea on what to do if you have them. I do have both, what do I need to do to the washcloths to try to get hair out if there is some. I don't see alot there but I still would like to help those who are allergic.

  9. Just roll them with one of those sticky things, or use some tape. The hair comes off pretty easily. We just try to get the bulk off. Thanks for asking.

  10. Throwing things in the dryer to tumble with no heat works pretty well, too. Just check in the filter when you have done this -- you'll be amazed! Sandie, mother of 7 cats who all love to HELP knit

  11. Thank you so much for the ideas. They are great.


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