
Friday, April 29, 2011

PONCHO's for the Homeless

poncho'sPONCHO's. Awesome ponchos. psmflowerlady made a lovely comment where she indicated she would be spending part of the money she would otherwise have spent on sweets for Easter to buy Poncho's. Look at this wonder group of poncho's. Thank you Thank You Tammy! 27 Poncho's in all. This will be a huge hit.

This is April 29, and we've one day left in our April Showers project. That's not to say if you're able to send poncho's later we won't need or want them. As with our hats, scarves, mittens, etc we will continue to collect all items through out the year; but like to highlight a particular need each month. I'm very pleased with the 43 poncho's we've collected to date and Thank everyone who participated.

**Have you read about our $40.00 shopping spree at JoAnn's? If not...please do, so you too can have an opportunity to win May's Comment Contest and enjoy the $40.00 shopping spree at JoAnn's.

Scarves 171
Hats 274
Mittens (gloves) 66
Socks 68+6=74
Slippers 37
Ghans 29 (2 went to Pine Street Earlier)

Squares 214
Sweaters 5
Ponchos 16=27=43

**Please check back on May 1 to see what May's project will be.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Ponchos are a great idea...especially with all the rain we've been having!

  2. I found them at several places and collected as I went - it was easy and I hope it helps. That's what I love about The Bridge - for hardly any time or money, it feels like I really can make a difference. And that's a really good feeling. WELL worth the cost of a plastic poncho! Sandy's comment, "YOU truly DO make a difference." is so inspirational. Thanks Sandy for the blog and the opportunity to help - I love the good feeling.

  3. What a great contribution to the cause! Thanks psmflowerlady!

  4. I agree with Jan and Sally's comments...way to go psmflowerlady.

  5. hello Sandy, Wow what an impact your group has made.

    I'm happy be to part of it.


  6. We're happy to have you too Amy.

  7. What I love about this is that they really are easy to mail!


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