
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Scarves Galore

Thank you Gail B from VA four your wonderful and thoughtful donation of 15 scarves and 3 hats. I'm sad to say the photo of your donation was one of those eaten by the computer. (see yesterday's post please)_. Thank you also for helping me with the location in your state of Virginia I was having trouble identifying/reading. All are appreciated. I am sorry I don't have a picture for you all to see of her donation. Looked a bit more since yesterday in hopes I'd find those missing photo's, luck.

Sock it to Me Month will soon be over, and April will kick off our focus on rain. Though if you're in Ohio you probably wonder how we could possibly have more than we've already had.


Scarves 152+15=167
Hats 233+3=236
Mittens (gloves)59
Socks 62
Slippers 34
Ghans 13
Squares 188
Sweaters 5

Can you help spread the word by printing a flyer or two? Please check tabs across the top of the blog and add a flyer to your church's bulletin board, your office bulletin board or other area's you deem to be appropriate.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. 15 scarves & 3 hats - WOW! Impressive Gail B!! How kind & generous!! Every time I check this blog, I am blown away by the awesome crafters out there! And although I love to look at pictures, I don't need a picture to see Gail's wonderful thoughtfulness. It warms my heart to just know that someone out there gave of such time and talent for someone they will never meet. Thanks Gail B for the gift of inspiration that you give readers in addition to the warmth you've given to those in need.

  2. Thanks so much psmflowerlady for your visit and your very insightful response. I appreciate your heart felt comments greatly. It's wonderful to see you visiting and commenting often.

    Gail's donations is indeed impressive.

  3. Thanks, Gail B. Just think of all those you have blessed with your talents. You are such a blessing to this group!

  4. So true Sally. Thanks for supporting the group and it's members.


PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.