
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Man sized Crocheted Scarves

crocheted scarves and hatTwo awesome scarves, great sizing for our men in need and a crocheted hat from Rajani our newest pair of helping hands. Welcome to the group Rajani, we're glad to have you and your hands join us. Rajani is from PA, and so we've been able to add another state to our map at the bottom of the page. Hope you've checked it out to see if you're state is represented. Please review the lists of wonderful folks who've donated here on the blog to see if I have the state your from. If not, please leave a comment so I can update the lists (both with and without blogs), and add to our map. Currently we have 20 states where helping hands have come from. You'll note below the color coded map notations about our friends outside The States who've helped.

Today is day 2 of our current month focus, "Sock it to Me". Please feel free to add the badge to your blog and help spread the word. This is a great chance for our non-knitting and crochet friends to help us, by warming feet of those in need.

Scarves 100+2=102
Hats 170+1=171
Mittens (gloves) 55
Socks 41
Slippers 8
Ghans 10
Squares 171
Sweaters 5

**Still in need of emails for Patty L from Ohio, and Adrienne from New York**

Please remember all donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. It truly DOES make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. On your map - don't forget Danette L. from Huntington, WV!!! Hugs!

  2. Thanks Beth, good eyes, appreciate the help. Will be fun to see everyone plotted on there.

  3. Uh oh, you have me listed as from Virginia. I'm from Pennsylvania.

  4. thank you very much for visiting my blog, I was always wondering how to put a link on the blog. Boy do I feel sort of stupid, that was so easy to do. I was very happy to put the link to this site on it. I love this site, you and the other's are wonderful people.
    Take care
    Therese (Michigan)

  5. These are very "guy" looking. (I left a comment before but it disappeared.)


PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.