
Monday, February 21, 2011

HATS, hats, HATS

knitted hatsSoft wonderful warm hats. The kids will love these knitted hats from our friend Louise out in California. Doesn't the one on the left remind you of Easter Eggs? First thing I thought of when I took it out of the pouch.
knitted hatsAnd the ladies will love these warm hats. Look at the cute details (remember all pictures get bigger when you click on them.) Louise sent 2 pouches and they arrived on the same day. I opened and photographed one then noticed the next pouch was her's too...thus the 2 pictures of 3. Thank you Louise for your on going support, it is greatly appreciated.

Hey folks have you noticed in the blog posts and on the lists (particularly the non bloggers list of names), I've been adding what state you're from? I thought it might be fun to see where everyone is from and how widely spread our wonderful knitters and crocheters are. AND, with the fabulous increase in new helping hands we have some duplicate names...AND as we grow my ability to keep people straight in my mind needs some help. The number of donations that come without a note causes me to really search through old emails etc to try and determine who sent the thoughtful donation. So, if you're on the list and I don't have the state you hail from, please leave a note I can add it. Let's have fun seeing where everyone is from with this, as well as improve my ability to let people know sooner that their donations have arrived.

Scarves 75
Hats 155+6=161
Mittens (gloves) 55
Socks 13
Slippers 7
Ghans 6
Sweaters 5

Please remember all donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. It truly DOES make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. The pastel hats really do make me think of spring. They are very pretty.

  2. I've never been able to knit the ribs at the bottom of hats like that. I know in theory WHAT I have to do but my fingers and my short attention span sabotage it every time.

  3. I wish we could all think really hard about spring and it's colors and that would make it happen, Yvonne. lol

    Foxeni, I think it's easier if you start with the ribbing and then you get it out of the way then switch to garter or purl stitches for the remainder of the hat.


PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.