
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tipping my Hat for Hats for Homeless

knitted hatsLook at these marvelous, cute, and warm hats knitted by our newest pair of helping hands, Mary. We have a Mary here in Ohio; and now we have a Mary in Nebraska.

I love the details in these hats, very very cute. Be sure and click on the picture so you can see everything better. That's always a feature here on Bridge and Beyond; but from time to time I remind you of it.

bee hive up closeI've added Mary's blog link in the blog log, so please pop over and say hi. I'm sure she'd love some company there. Visiting each other's blogs is always fun.

Welcome to our cause Mary in Nebraska, we're thrilled to have you join us and look forward to getting to know you better; as well as more goodies from you. Hope to see you often.

Scarves 19
Hats 26+10=36
Mittens 0
Socks 5
Slippers 3

Please read all about our special January Project, "Rainbow Project". Kids helping special is that!

Please remember all donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. It truly DOES make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. I love all your hats Mary.What a great job you have done.I especially like the one with the little bees and would like to know where you got the pattern if you don't mind.

  2. Jean, I asked her what patterns she used too, thought they were great hats and it's always nice to have additional patterns. Here's 2 links she sent me.

    believe it's the 2nd one you want

  3. Love the hats also. I love the vacation ghan your daughter crocheted. Beautiful job. Thank you so much for what you are doing for others.
    Take care,
    Therese (my crochet world etc..)

  4. Thank you Therese, I'll be sure and pass along your compliment to my daughter for her vacation ghan.

  5. Jean ... the beehive hat is from Stitch 'n Bitch (or maybe S&B Nation). :) The noro hat pattern would work also.

  6. Wow!!! Pretty hats!!! I love all the extra little touches like the pom poms and the bee buttons!!! Well done!

  7. Thanks Mary for adding that info to help folks out. Appreciate it.

    Right you are Linda, the extra touches are awesome.

  8. sandy just thought i would let you know i was here.can you use any baby blankets.

  9. Hi Rose Marie, glad you popped in. Infant baby size and style or more child/toodler? Yes...knowing which size helps me know where they would go. Did you knit/crochet them?

  10. sandy i havent made them yet its just a thought it would be crochet rosemarie

  11. The children at Faith Mission would be the logical ones to receive them, thus far I've included them when I make deliveries of the ghans made from squares etc.


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