
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A personal delivery for the Homeless

matching mittens and hatLook at this darling knitted matching set. Soooooo cute, so soft, and nice so nice and warm. Some little one will look adorable as well as be warm, thanks to SurlyGirl on Rav (Jessica). I know she said she used bulky yarn and DPN's for the mittens, but also said the pattern for the mittens was a really good one.

Many of us visit back and forth on each other's blog and feel like we get to know each other. Some of us are in groups together and chat that way, some email, but this was a donation made person to person. How cool is that. We're both on Rav, but found we live in the same city and so met up for the hand off. I consider that a bonus, getting to meet face to face.

Many thanks Jessica for your thoughtful donation. Hope to see you again soon in person and or here on Bridge and Beyond.

**Still have time enough to send squares before the end of the month for Give a Square**

Scarves 20
Hats 39+1=40
Mittens 0=1=1
Socks 5
Slippers 3

Please remember all donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. It truly DOES make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Ok Sandy, I will test out the posting of a message.

    The above blue hat and mitten set is beautifully made. very nice!

  2. Cool, you're no longer anonymous....much nicer. They were super soft too, so nicely made.

  3. This is the most adorable donation I have come across! I just LOVE it! Someone will be so lucky to receive this one!

  4. Sally they were adorable, so cute, so soft, and so well made.


PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.