
Friday, January 14, 2011

Completed Vacation Afghan for the Homeless

crocheted afghan Happy to say I was able to finish my DD (Christine's) Vacation Ghan. She was quite close to having it completed before she had to return from her visit. This ghan was made in strips, both vertical and horizontal. A variety of stitches were used included double crochet, v-stitch, single crochets, shells, and front post double crochet's. I love how well this turned out and am very proud of her.

close up of the borderI wrote down the measurements, but can't find my note. My memory is something around 54 x 72. Here's a close up of the edging. The edge is 4 rows, with the last row being shells giving it a scalloped edge.

Thank you DD for all your hard work during your vacation.

Scarves 19
Hats 36
Mittens 0
Socks 5
Slippers 3

This ghan will go to Faith Mission and keep someone nice and warm due to it's size and thickness.

Please remember all donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. It truly DOES make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. What a beautiful Ghan! The edges are especially beautiful!

  2. Thanks Mary Anne appreciate your sweet words, will pass them along to my daughter as well. I've not used this particular edge before, but really liked it and will use it again for sure.

  3. A VERY attractive afghan! Love the different stitches!

  4. Thanks Mimi, tried to email you when I realized I was responding to your comment on my blog. So, then tried to leave you a comment on your blog; but that's apparently not allowed. Says you have to be a team member to leave a comment? Then I tried to follow, that didn't work either. My email is above in the mission so you can make contact. I'll give you my address and or we'll see about making connections.


  5. Beautifully done! I've always loved that particular variegated and have used it often. Someone will appreciate this nice ghan. And made by mother and daughter. How special!

  6. Thanks Sandie, it was very nice to work on it with my daughter. Too bad she's not around more often.


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