
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

More then just a square

knitted ghan in the worksMoving along with the next phase of the burgundy and blue knitted blocks from Rose Marie. Once I finished the first section with the joining and blue edge, I determined I'll not have enough of the navy to do the whole ghan with blue edge; so plan B is that the navy will be used to join, the navy will be used in the 2 inside stripes, and a burgundy will be used for the top and bottom edge. Then a combination of those colors (presumably a row of each), will be used for the final outside edge to pull it all together. Here the burgundy edge facing us looks red, though it is burgundy; a bit lighter then the dark burgundy in the blocks, but I believe with the variegated blocks of blues, burgundy's and tan it will work fine.

Hope everyone is busy knitting and crocheting away, and if you've not yet read about Give a Square, Please do by clicking in the sidebar for details. Thanks.

Scarves 305
Hats 565
Mittens 142
Socks 80
Slippers 15
Ghans 5
Squares 114

Please remember all donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. It truly DOES make a difference. THANK YOU!

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  1. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You :-)



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