
Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year, LOOK What we've Accomplished!

Happy New Year One and All. Many thanks for your support throughout this year. Thank you if you blogged about our cause, Thank you if placed a badge and link on your blog, Thank you if you knitted and donated, Thank you if you crocheted and donated, Thank you if you loomed and donated, Thank you if you sent socks and personal care items, Thank you if you told a friend, a neighbor, a co-worker about our cause, Thank you if you printed one of flyers to distribute to help spread the word. THANK YOU!!

I blogged about how we began and what was accomplished in our first month-actually less of operation HERE. I posted a blog about the growth that happened in the year 2009 HERE.

And now I want to list all those helping hands in this calendar year of 2010:(because this is not something I could accomplish by myself)* in no particular order

RoseMarie, Louise, Liz (minnisoda), my Darling Daughter Christine, Sandie in Florida, Jessica, Mary in Ohio, Yarn Yokel (Jason), Dorothy in Wisc, Judy in Ohio, Jean in Ohio, Sandie in Louisiana, Ruth, Lisa, Scharlet, Krystine, James, Sacha from France, Nelda, Bunny, Linda in Florida, Frank, Becki, Sarah, Susan, Tracy, Robbie, Patty in Ohio, Margaret, Karen V, Karen A, Cindy, Taby, Pat, Peggy, Tracey (Tcara), Lex (Alexis), Gail, a 2nd Patty, Joy, Yvonne, Donna, Joyce, Cyndy, Sandra, Anne G, Kate, Alma, Emily, Chris, Shelly, Christi, Jodi, Paula, Brodie Jo, Jennifer T., Esther maddeleine4), Trudy, Jenny, Barbara N, Becky, Bonnie, Mia, Becky P, Theresa, June M, Jan, and Rae.

Sometimes with people use one name or ID on a forum or in a group, a different one if they blog, and perhaps a different yet for their email I have troubles figuring out who's who when the mail comes and has a real name. Sometimes it's taken some time to determine who's who. To date, there is still one person I was never able to identify to thank and that would be Brodie Jo. I posted here multiple times and in other groups and forums I belong to; but never did make a connection. Brodie Jo, if you're out there please know your donation was very much appreciated. If anyone knows Brodie Jo, please zap me a note, thanks.

We really grew by leaps and bounds this year with more and more helping hands, with being able to help more people I was able to add to the mission several times. How awesome is that. We're listed on many additional lists these days. I put forth a real concerted effort at spreading the news several months ago and it has really paid off with more donations coming in daily.

Here are our final numbers of donated items for the calendar year of 2010

Scarves 340
Hats 592
Mittens 151
Socks 101
Slippers 34
Squares 238

We grew in number of blog posts having 185 in 2010. We had our first contest, a blog contest that our good friend Sandie in Louisiana won. We had a mitten challenge which included another mitten pattern from our good friend and long time supporter Beth which Dorothy and Jean won. We added slippers to the list of items we need, and squares through Give a Square. I'm very happy with what we've been able to accomplish, one stitch, one donation at a time. We do make a difference, an important difference every single day in someone's life. THANK YOU.

I look forward to what we can accomplish together in the upcoming year of 2011.

Please remember all donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. It truly DOES make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. My name WILL be on that list for next year!

  2. Love hearing that Marie Anne, and look forward to hearing from you. Happy New Year to you.

  3. Very impressive!! Good luck with all you wonderful endeavors in the new year, Sandy. You have helped many and I'm sure that they are very grateful for all you do!!

  4. Hi Sandy, great list and glad I was able to help this year. For the foreseeable future, I'm consumed with helping my husband fight cancer so all my efforts and energy go for him. May God
    bless you and yours in the year to come.

  5. Oh Sandra, I am so sorry to learn of your husband's battle. He needs you. Though you may find great comfort in knitting or crocheting, at his side...I know I did while Mom was in ICU. Will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. Good job, everyone, especially our cheerleader Sandy. :-) May next year be the year there are no homeless who need help! Wouldn't that be grand!

  7. Thank you Sandie, yes indeed wouldn't it be grand if there were no homeless...what a dream come true that would be.


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