
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

More loving warmth for the cold Homeless

knitting for homelessMittens, and squares, and socks oh my! 2 pair of nicely knit and very warm mittens, 2 mitered squares also knitted, and a fabulous really heavy pair of socks. James, long time supporter has done it again. Many thanks James for your ongoing support. I know you've been swamped with moving and all, so finding time to make and send these items is truly special. Many many thanks. Hope you're settled in nicely in your new digs and things calm down a bit for you with the holidays coming on.

Give a Square is in full mode, use up some of those odds and ends with your yarn so you can get more for Christmas presents! It's a good system. lol Details in the sidebar.

Scarves 275
Hats 491
Mittens 64+2=66
Ghans 3
130 (since Give a Square)+2=132

Please remember all donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. It truly DOES make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Whenever I'm someplace that sells wool or wool-blend socks I try to pick up a pair, as wool socks are so hard to find and yet they're warmer and nicer than cotton for keeping feet dry. (Although clean cotton is better than wet, dirty cotton, for sure!)

    And congratulations on being in Crochet Magazine next year! Awesome!

  2. Right you are James about the wool. I too keep eyes peeled for wool. They are harder to find, but awesome. One of these years I swear I'm gonna learn how to make socks so I can make wool socks. I like wearing them myself.

    Thanks on the magazine. I feel like it's great step forward for us to be able to help more people.


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