
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Clapping for Mittens!

knitted mittens for homelessClapping wildly, more lovely mittens. Look at all the wonderful sizes and different colors. These fabulous mittens are knitted by Dorothy in Wisc. Dorothy participates in Bev's Charity Challenge. She's also one of the winners of The Mitten Challenge, The Mitten Throw Down! You can certainly see why. Many thanks Dorothy for your thoughtful donation. 7 hats, 1 scarf, and 30 pairs of mittens.
knitted childs mittenWanted you to see this cute design. Look how she made the thumb, the edge of the cuff, and tip of the hand in a coordinating color. Shows up so nicely like that. Very cute.
knitted mittenOne of the wee pairs for a little tyke, aren't these adorable! Once again let me say how thrilled I am with the amount of participation we had with the mitten challenge. What a great idea, Beth. Thank You Beth for the idea, and thank you to all who participated.

Scarves 298+1=299
Hats 518+7=525
Mittens 112+30=142
Socks 80
Slippers 15
Ghans 5
Squares 114

Be sure and read about Give a Square.

Please remember all donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. It truly DOES make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. How awesome! Looks like you've collected a bunch of mittens - that's wonderful! Lots of warm hands this winter.

  2. Dorothy, you are a WONDERFUL mitten knitter! LOTS of hands will be warmed by this donation! THANKS!!

  3. It's nice to take a look at this picture and post again, thanks Sally for your visit and comment...both are appreciated. You are 200% right, Dorothy's mittens are wonderful, indeed.


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