
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

SCARVES & Razors oh MY!

razorsRazors, soap, razors, deodorant, razors. And did I mention RaZors! These are fabulous. Thank you Cindy, thank you Peggy, Thank you Ayleen, Thank you Tabi, and Thank you Pat. These ladies are co-workers on a quest to make life better for others. I bagged soap, razors, socks, and or gloves in order to make up some personal care packages. By the time you read this (most of the posts are typed real time but in que with all the wonderful donations,), those personal care packages will have already been delivered. I'll be collecting up more items to go with the remainder of razors to make up more. Stay tuned.
And look at these fabulous fabulous scarves! Don't miss that cute pink hat there in middle. Look at these scarves, so many wonderful colors. 21 wonderful, warm and soft scarves. Colors and sizes are nicely mixed. Some will work for boys, others girls, some larger and more appropriate for our adults; both men and women. This was their first box folks. I have more, but I'll post a box at a time. So, keep checking back! I don't want you to miss the rest.

Pat, Tabi, and Ayleen don't have blogs; but I've added their names to our list of wonderful helpers without blogs, and Cindy and Peggy's links are in the blog log. Please welcome these wonderful ladies with big hearts to our cause.

Many thanks for your thoughtful donation.

Scarves 198+21=219
Hats 395+1=396
Mittens 40
Socks 73

**Did you notice, We're having a Mitten Challenge, a Mitten Throw Down**

Please remember all donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. It truly DOES make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. This group has been very busy! Such caring hearts.

  2. Wish I could say I worked with people like this. I knit and crochet when we have a lunch break, but not once has anyone I worked with indicated they were interested in helping. So, I really think this is awesome.

  3. Happy Cinco de Mayo! I imagine it's a bigger holiday here in Florida.. but celebrate and have an enchilada, anyway! The scarves are bee-U-tee-full! My favorite is the bright fluffy pink one. What a productive group of "new bees"! Sandy , no one at work every was curious about your project? Amazing! (I'm a stay at home, so not a lot of interaction for me -- but people often give me yarn to use.) Sandie in FL

  4. Batfli61 (Sandie in Florida), thanks so much. I sometimes wonder why people at work don't ask if they could help. Bothers me some, truthfully.



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