
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Afghan in the Works

ghan in the worksI pulled these 18 blue, burgundy and variegated knitted squares from those Rose Marie sent. This is the basic lay out for a ghan in the works. Normally I stitch/edge around all squares before joining; but am doing this one a bit different. To utilize the size, I'm stitching together one row horizontally using navy; then am crocheting multiple rows across for a fairly wide border of the navy between each row of stitched squares. This should make a reasonable sized lapghan for either an adult or male teen. I believe the colors are appropriate for that as well.

By the time you read this scheduled post I should be well over half way on the corner to corner ghan for The Mission as well.

Scarves 264+11=275
Hats 417
Mittens 49
Ghans 3
130 (since Give a Square)

Please remember all donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. It truly DOES make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. That looks nice, Sandy. You're always very creative with your colors. Good job.

  2. Sandy, I am passing on to you and all of your team members an award. You can find it at . Thank you all for the work you do to help the homeless.

  3. Thanks Sandie, will get caught up and get that award collected etc.

  4. I'm seeing the squares from a few posts back here. Really nice job as always.

  5. Thanks Sandie, eventually I put them all to use.


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