
Friday, September 24, 2010

Warming Homeless from the Sunny State of Florida

knitted hats for homelessFun and fabulous! Look at these great color combination's. Twelve knit hats. Sandie's been supporting us from the sunny state of Florida where fabulous items like she creates just really aren't needed. Thank You! We're glad to have you, now if only you could figure out a way to box up some of your sunshine at the same time. Particularly when we have those miserable cold, wet, gray and or snowy days. Work on it, will ya? LOL, there must be a way for you to add that to your mix. I'm sure our Homeless would appreciate some of your sunshine, knit one purl two, sunshine over! lol
shawlLook at this wonderful plaid shawl. I think it's woven? Is that right Sandie? This will be a nice item I think for one of our ladies at Mission. Since some of them are battered women, nothing like a special item to help them feel better about themselves. It's beautiful and the colors are so pretty and fall like. She says this is her first ever....I think you did fantastic Sandie. Many thanks for your continued support.

Scarves 195
Hats 369+12=381
Mittens 40
Socks 73

Please remember all donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. It truly DOES make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. I have to blink when I see Sandie and know it isn't me. LOL Kudos to Sandie in Florida for all her hard work for this cause.

  2. What a wonderful donation, Sandie! Thanks for all your hard (and fun) work! Keep those needles flying!

  3. It really is a wonderful donation isn't it, so glad you're looking through and seeing some of these beauties


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