
Thursday, June 17, 2010


mens socksI am Thrilled! Truly thrilled and have already passed along these 25 pairs of socks from Bunny. Thank you so much Bunny. Socks are needed regardless of the temperatures and conditions. The men are always extremely happy to get socks, so I zipped over quickly yesterday to pass these along to Jan, my SIL; who'll pass them to Dear Rae today. No time wasted here for sure ladies.

I've continued to work on the corner to corner ghan, and squares for Pine Street, as well as a scarf and hope you're all busy too.

We are so blessed to have a roof over our heads, food on our plates it's wonderful to be able to share as we do to help the homeless. I thank you all for your continued support.

We've got a bit over a week left of June, Sock it to me Month; but that doesn't mean socks can't be donated other times.

Scarves 147
Hats 203
Mittens 18 pairs
Socks 28 pairs+25=53
Squares for Pine Street 7

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008


  1. Hum, I don't knit or crochet maybe I can do this.

  2. I know how it feels when I step in something and my socks get wet. I can't imagine having no recourse but to continue wearing them. I can see how this would be a serious need for those who are homeless.

  3. Truth that, Sandie. I know how cold my feet get even when I perspire and their damp. Feels good to put a clean dry pair on.


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