
Monday, June 7, 2010

Donated Yarn

Italian YarnThis fun Italian yarn was donated by Christi from Just For Ewe to turn into something warm and fun for our Homeless project. I had the good fortune of meeting Christi this past weekend on a girls get away. I've blogged more about this fun yarn shop on my Travel Blog. Please do hop over and read about it.

Thank you Christi, I'll post again when this yarn is a FO.

Remember June is Sock it to Me Month.

Scarves 146
Hats 188+2=200
Mittens 13 pairs+2=15
Socks 28 pairs
Squares for Pine Street 7

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008


  1. The yarn looks interesting Sandy. Looks like it would be difficult to knit or crochet with. Looking forward to seeing what you make with it.

  2. That yarn looks interesting! What do you plan on making with it?

  3. Oh that is a very pretty yarn! Love the color combo!

    RE: my comments... when you look at the comments each one is now numbered. So that when I have a giveaway, i don't have to count and re-count to the number that chose, to make sure I have the right comment. At the top of the comments it gives the number of total comments, and if you look at each particular comment there is a number on the right side...the comment number for each one.
    If you look at this post: you will see that your comment is number 3. Hope that makes sense.

  4. That looks like some fun yarn. Can't wait to see what you turn it into!

    Hope you had a chance to check out some of the posts on the World Oceans Day blog-a-thon... maybe next year, you'll post your own!

    A lot of people don't know there is a World Oceans Day. Cris does have a little history on it. It was set aside in Dec, 2008. Hopefully, through the blog-a-thon and other means, it will grow in popularity. Yes, the oceans, just like the homeless, need all the help we can give.

  5. Nice yarn, Sandy. I am starting a neck warmer for you to give to give away. Should be done in about two weeks. Julie

  6. What fun colors, and how sweet to have the owner of the shop give you something to help.



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