
Friday, April 23, 2010

More lovely Hats

Let's clap for Alma! Look at the hat on the right, she knitted it on a loom. I remember reading on her blog that she was not going to let that loom beat her; and by George she persevered and we have this nice hat for our homeless! Well done Alma. The pretty blue on the left is crocheted. Thanks Alma for your ongoing support of our cause. We appreciate all your efforts.

Hugs and keep up the good work!

Please stop over and see Alma, she's going to town both with her yarn and her blog.

Scarves 141
Hats 183+2=185
Mittens 13 pairs
Socks 28 pairs

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair
*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008


  1. That's awesome. The loom is the only way I can do it. If I knew how to make mittens I would, and socks. It looks like these are the items most needed. Can I just buy a pkg of socks and send them to you? Does anyone want to send me a pattern for mittens?

  2. Yes socks should be store bought, I tend to buy in bulk.

    Thanks Shelly

  3. I pray you will continue be blessed as you are a truly a blessing to many. Your good work is appreicated in a special way. Thanks to you for giving more for less. Have a bless day.

  4. Great hats! As Alma perservered with the loom, she will do the same with the knitting. :)

  5. yes i really like this your blog when u show all good clothes i like most of all really like this your blog or keep on work hard, will be best


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