
Sunday, April 11, 2010

I've been asked Why?

I've been asked Why? I've been asked why knit and crochet and give away my hard work? Why spend time organizing others to do the same. I've been asked why not sell your stuff and make money?

No doubt, if you're reading this you've been asked that too, a time or two. The answers may vary a bit for all of us. But, the biggest why is because I can. To elaborate-- I'm blessed enough to be able to, and therefore I should. I've been given the talent to do things with my hands; and so am giving back what I can. I'm lucky enough to have a roof over my head, a job, food to eat, and loved ones who care for me. Yes I still make a few things for my family and myself; but so many others need so much more. Maybe I'm selfish, because I think I gain as much when I give as those who are at the receiving end. It does make me feel good.

I give, because I can.

I give because
homeless baby and motherimages like this pull at my heart strings. Images like this bother me. This women is someone's daughter, someone's sister, someone's, cousin, perhaps someone's wife. This wee babe, needs a fighting chance.

Why do you give?
If you're new to this site, please read about our cause. We knit, we crochet, we loom. We make hats, mittens, and scarves. We donate everything to homeless, to people being treated in free clinics in desperate circumstances. We warm children, women, and men. We do what we can. Won't you join us?

**pop back working with yarn donated by my Darling Daughter, and Bunny
Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair
*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008


  1. Well said! I've been asked that question too. I feel blessed, and wish I could always do more. One step, one hat, one scarf at a time. A lot of us will never know who we helped. I wish I could remember exactly, the Star Fish Story, one person throwing back one star fish at a time, out of hundreds. Asked why save one star fish, because it mattered to that ONE.

  2. We give because we can and we are blessed. All the best for your effort Sandy.

  3. Here! Here! You are so right. God gives us skills and we are to use them for His glory. Of course I crochet because I must. I can't imagine going too many days without it. In a way it's an addiction. I use my powers for good, not evil. LOL

  4. Oh I did that wrong. I think it is Hear! Hear! Forgive. :-)

  5. I personally use my God given talent to help others. Because through my talent, I am able to share God's love and help others in need. And I don't ask for anything in return. No money, no thank you's, etc. Just a smile or a tear says what they feel in their heart. That is my payment. :)

  6. I believe it is more blessed to give than to recieve. May God bless you in a special way. Have a great day.

  7. Well said Sandy. I can't add any more to what everyone else has said. I knit & crochet because I love doing it and I love helping people. I have been told by my husband that I am addicted. Yes.. I guess I am. It's hard not to be when you are passionate about something.

  8. I do not need anything. It is not that I am overly rich. It is just that our family has what we need. We are not fancy; we are blessed. Therefore, from blessings more must overflow. I love to give to others. Bless everyone who gives!

  9. I love stopping by here and seeing the scarves and hats pile up!

    It's not selfish to feel good... I believe that is the Holy Spirit being our encourager! It is an investment in God's children.

    I hope you feel warm and fuzzy all year long!


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