
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

WELCOME, and Why EntreCard

You may have noticed something new on my blog. I have added EntreCard to this blog. You'll see this in a 125 x 125 type ad with a bright gold banner and heading Drop Here. This is not an ad I'm being paid for; nor one I bought. This is a means of spreading one's business cards. At least that's the short version as I see it. I've decided to try several methods of spreading the news of the cause for our cold homeless here in Central Ohio; as well as those treated in the 2 free clinics. Homelessness is a horrible problem and it's wide spread throughout the country. My hope is to spread the awareness of the general problem, as well as find more helping hands for this mission. We've broaden our original scope from warming men who were living under a particular bridge a year ago. We're now able to help not only those men (and now women who are also there), but other's living outside without a roof over their heads in several other areas here; as well as women and children treated in 2 free clinics.

More helping hands gives us the ability to warm and help more in need, thus my quest with your help.

My hope is to have more visibility for this blog through the addition of EntreCard. I welcome knitters, crocheters, and loomers all interested in helping the homeless. Please feel free to see what's been accomplished by reading through the blog, leave comments, admire the work so many have done. We welcome additional helping hands. If you'd like to help, but don't know where to begin, please read How Can I Help by clicking on the tab under the title of the blog.

Many thanks for all the work to date, and welcome to all new readers. Please leave a comment so we know you were here.

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair
*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008


  1. And thank you for taking all the time with the blog to keep us all up to date, and adding pictures so we can see all the pretty things everyone's making! Keeps me inspired to do more!

  2. Sandy, just FYI. I tried the Entre Card for about a week. I happened to check one of the cards dropped on my blog. It was X Rated! It was some sick person's disgusting blog. Did you put some kind of filter on your Entre card to weed this kind of thing out?

  3. Still working on adding your badges. Have to go to work now, and start over tonight. Have a great day!

  4. Yes Alma, I screen every ad first. I do not use the automatic approval setting. I've used EC for about a year without any problems on my travel blog so am pretty comfortable with that portion of it. Thanks though for the heads up, it's always good to speak up. You never know who's aware of what. In addition, I have all my blogs set to not allow adult content which also flags things.


  5. Hi Sandy,

    That is so wonderful all of the donations. I would love to help and will read the info once I click the tab.



PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.