
Wednesday, March 10, 2010


crocheted scarves for homelessScarves! I'm getting warmer just looking at them all. Beautifully crocheted scarves from Esther (maddeleine4 on Rav). Some of these are crocheted with double yarn, I think. Nice and thick; which translates to nice and warm. Remember to click on the picture to enlarge it so you can see the wonderful variety of colors.

I'm hoping to make another delivery later this week so these fabulous scarves will be around the neck of those in need SOON!

Many thanks Esther for your thoughtful donation. It is deeply appreciated.

Stay warm and dry folks, keep the yarn at hand, busy hands are happy hands and lots of happy hands improve the lives of so many.

Thank you all!

Scarves 100+10=110
Hats 110
Mittens 13 pairs
Socks 28 pairs
(223 knitted or crocheted items)

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair
*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008


  1. Thanks for visiting. If a rescue group gets enough votes or I should say the group with the most votes at the end of the Shelter Challenge can win $$$ for the group to help. The Animal Rescue site has probably a better explanation. We had never taken part in it before. Thanks to everyone who has been voting we are getting a chance to maybe win a prize to use to help us rescue & care for more pets. Hope this has helped. Thanks for asking.
    Ernie, Sasha, Chica's Mom

  2. bbes tribe...yes it does help understand thanks

  3. I sometimes think of making a bunch of "scarves" and just joining them together into an afghan. Seeing them laid out like this brings that to mind again. Lovely set of scarves.

  4. Takes me back to some of those we did for the survivors Sandie. I remember 2 I did much like that. One was called Mardi Gras with the black between and one was white and pastels, but I don't recall the name of it.

  5. What beautiful, cozy scarves! Thanks, Esther, for such a lovely and loving donation! Keep your needles flying!


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