
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Manly colored scarf

knitted black scarf
Got this scarf finished a few days ago; just didn't get it photographed and posted for awhile. This is knitted using Homespun on size 11 needles. I often don't use the size suggest on labels. The homespun labels suggest size 10, so I went up 1 full size. Got a 2nd scarf in the works with the same yarn as we speak. Though it's not exactly black, figured this would be a good manly color. It's called Edwardian. It's 7 inches wide and 67 inches long. Got this yarn from my Darling Daughter's stash when I was looking for manly colors.

Sorry the picture is a bit blurry, must have moved when I snapped it.


Scarves 117+1=118
Hats 120
Mittens 13 pairs
Socks 28 pairs
(223 knitted or crocheted items)

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair
*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008

Pending donations from Brodie Jo and Alma, stay tuned


  1. Thanks for the lovely comment.....very pretty scarf. I wish I could make things like that. Look forward to more of your posts.

  2. It is so amazing that this keeps going and going. You know really, even though the cold cold has past, I still can't imagine being outside to sleep.....

  3. Gorgeous scarf. What stitch did you use?


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