
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thank You, THANK YOU

Some pretty buttercups from my yard for you all on this cold snowy day
yellow buttercupsThe year is coming to an end, it's cold, snowy, gray, damp and cold and in about 12 hours we'll toast The New Year, 2010.

I wanted to pass along a little note from Rae to you all. Rae said the 2 clinics have been thrilled with our donations...and, well here let me pass along that part of her note directly to you.***

We had a Christmas party at each clinic, and I believe the phrase heard the most when people were told that they could choose hats & scarves & mittens for them and their kids/spouses at home was "really, for me?" They were astounded when they found out that total strangers from around the country had hand-made these items just for them. I believe it went a long way in making them feel somehow special, if only for a moment. But I can assure you, they will remember that moment for a while, each time they go out into the cold (or don't get to come in out of the cold) and they have a scarf or a hat or some mittens that one of you has made. I can't tell you how totally awesome I think you all are ... reaching out to people you don't even know. It's truly very sweet!

I'm sure for some those hats, mittens, or scarves were all they got this Christmas and what you do DOES make a difference, one hat, one scarf, one person, and one stitch at a time.

Please keep up the good work with your needles and hooks, TOGETHER WE CAN and DO MAKE a DIFFERENCE

Peace and Happiness to you all


  1. That's it! I'm firing up the needles to start more mittens today! :-D Nothing makes me feel like knitting more than hearing people appreciate getting something just for them, when they didn't even expect anything!!! And (((hugs))) to you for pulling it all together!!!

    Happy New Year to you too!!!

  2. What a nice note. It's really awesome to know how much your appreciated.

    Kudos to you all for your hard work and may 2010 be an even more productive year for you all.


  3. End of 2009 was so different for me than 2008. Different better! Continue to remember those less fortunate. We are so blessed to have a roof over our heads and food to eat.


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