
Monday, December 14, 2009

I'm excited and wanted to share.

Folks, we recently hit our 1 year Anniversary, that was back on Dec 2, 2009. Our first post regarding this cause was Dec 2 08. This post is #102. I didn't notice it when I posted #100, which I think is a cool milestone.

I wanted to say thank you to all who've knitted, all who've crocheted, all who've helped by donating yarn, all who've helped some of you get your items mailed here by helping with postage, to Rae for making the deliveries, for my SIL for being our go between and hooking me up with Rae. More thanks go out to all who've made a blog post about our cause and or posted our badge to help spread the word. And thanks also go to those who sent money for socks.

I appreciate each and everyone of you. All donations are important, all are needed, and all are appreciated.

Bless you all for helping to warm another human being. Please keep up the good work.

**worked some on 2 scarves while traveling to and from St. Louis this past wkend, hoping to get them finished in the next day or so.


  1. Belated congratulations on the anniversary. I mentioned your blog again, and included a link on today's post. Of course, I've also got the link on my sidebar. I do hope it's given you some attention. Yours is such a worthy project.

    I'm hoping that, in cities across the nation and even around the world, some poor soul has a warm head and hands because of your inspiration!

  2. This is awesome, Sandy! Congratulations and well done!

  3. Thganks Lily and Marla on behalf of all who've helped the cause.

  4. How did I miss this post? Congratulations! Happy Anniversary. And job well done! I have a scarf and hats to send to you this week fyi.

  5. Happy Belated Anniversary to you and everyone in your group!



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