
Monday, November 2, 2009

Personal Care Items make a Good Donation

personal care packagesFor about $4.50 per person, I was able to pick up those small travel sizes at my local Target. I got 5 deodorants (neutral male female), 5 bottles of scope, 5 chapsticks (you know how dry your lips get and crack when you're out in the cold), a bag of disposable razors (neutral color for male and female, which was enough to put 2 each in each personal care bag), and a nice packaged tube of toothpaste, toothbrush and toothbrush protector. To this I added a handful of band-aids (from a large container I keep at home), a comb, shampoo-soap-lotion-conditioner (that I've saved from hotels when we travel). In most cases I was able to put a couple of the hotel goodies in the bag.

I've made these 5 personal care bags generic, suitable for male or female; as Rae tells me she is now seeing more women with the increase in the numbers of folks living under the bridge. I believe this will make them feel better, and perhaps also keep them a bit healthier. I know how good I feel after brushing my teeth and taking a shower. They may not be able to get a hot shower; but if they're able to spruce up a bit I'm sure they'll feel better.


  1. I can't believe how much you got. You are so right...what we take for granted can mean the world to those less fortunate..

  2. Hi Sandy, I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you. You have inspired me and I'm looking into seeing if there's some similar program or need here local. Yes, we take what we have for granted and here I sit with so many scarves I don't know what to do with them all. Thanks for all you do in Ohio. I have a lot of family in Cincinnati.

  3. Sandy, we should let people know that even the community food banks typically accept donations of personal care items like those.

  4. Lily, I didn't know that; thanks for the tip. It's been quite awhile since I helped my brother by working in a food bank, and I most not have noticed it then. Or perhaps they hadn't thought about doing that. Great idea. I feel like we're playing tag team, you and I. lol



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