
Monday, October 26, 2009

What can I Do? I'm just one person!!!

feeding the homelessfeeding the homelessfeeding the homeless

There are many things wrong, or sad in the world. Do you find you often ask yourself, but what can I do? I'm just one person? Do you often think, someone should do something. "They", they should do something. Whoever "They" is.

One person can do something. One person can make a difference. It happens everyday, in my city and in yours. It happens when you're not looking. Maybe no camera is there to record it, no news media spreading the news; but it does indeed happen.

Each of you who've knitted or crocheted a hat, a pair of mittens, a pair of slippers, or a scarf have done something. You've done something wonderful. You've helped! AND together lots of us in one's and two's can make a big difference.

The Hats, Mittens, Scarves, Slippers etc. hand knit or crocheted are distributed along with a hot meal to those men and women living outdoors in the elements. These are a few pictures recently taken. Sorry they are very small and hard to see; but I believe still show you the conditions some are forced to live with. PLEASE, think about how you can help.

Can you can knit, or crochet and make something to donate?
Can you can blog about this to spread the word?
Can you can place our badge on your blog or website to spread the news?
Can you can tell your family, your friends, your neighbors, and your co-workers about it? Does someone in your circle knit, crochet, have yarn they no longer use, blog, have a websiteCan you donate socks? Which are always a needed item...nothing worse than cold wet feet.
Can you can collect little soaps, lotions, shampoo etc? Start saving all those samples at hotels when you travel (either for business or pleasure). We donate personal care items too.
Can you put out a box to collect things at work?
Can you place a notice in your school's newsletter, your church's bulletin?
Do you have an old, no longer being used backpack you could fill with warm clothing, or instant food?
Can you print and distribute our flyer at your PTO/PTA, play group, church group, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, work bulletin board etc.?

I know everyone can answer yes to at least one of those things listed above. So, PLEASE can we count on your help; more importantly can they count on your help?

The above pictures were taken awhile ago, see a handful of people in the church kitchen preparing meals, only a few...can and do make a difference. A close up of chicken and noodles, and smiles on faces who've been warmed by clothes, food, and the caring hearts of others.
Our donations have helped the following:
Men and Women living under bridges
Mothers and Children being treated in 2 free clinics
Women in temporary housing at Faith Mission (some were homeless, some were abused)
Men given a couple of nights in homeless shelters through Faith Mission
Families in need of a hot meal through Holy Family
Cold school children in need (some who make it to school from homeless shelters) at Stiles Elementary and Darby Dale Elementary Schools
Homeless CHILDREN with their families living in temporary housing through The Homeless Families Foundation
Cold children in need, many of whom are homeless at West Broad Street Elementary School and Highland Elementary Schools.
Homeless Children with their families living in temporary housing through The YWCA


  1. You are so right, Sandy! Together, we CAN make a difference! I have this saying printed on my business cards. Sometimes people do get overwhelmed by the need. Just remember that whatever you do is filling a need. Everyone does what they can. No matter what you like to do, you can bet there's a need someone that can use that skill. Happy crocheting!

  2. These photos say a million things. I posted a link on my blog....Here's hoping you get lots of visitors....

  3. You can copy the image & link from my sidebar. My hope is that people will see there are needs in their backyard,too!

    I look forward to reading more about your project. I'll pray for its huge success!

  4. Great job. You are right. I might be just one person BUT together there are a lot of us and we can accomplish much.
    Ernie & Sasha's Mom

  5. How wonderful! I am so happy to have found and joined in on this project. Wonderful things are being done and if we could all just spend a few miutes a day appreciating what we have and showing kindness to those with less, the world would be a much better place.
    Than You Sandy for caring enough to bring awareness and to DO something about it. One person CAN make a difference.

  6. I totally agree! And you don't even need to do lots! One set of mittens or one hat is *one* more warm person. It might not seem like a lot to us... but to that one cold person it means everything!!!

    (((Hugs))) to you Sandy for all you are doing!

  7. I love seeing the many donations. It gives me inspiration to do more.

  8. Happy New Year. Working on creating my Blog acct. I will send my hats, as fast as I can! Can you hook me up with any Ohio web sites, that donate Chemo Caps?? I've looked all day, not to be selfish, but all I seem to find are out of date sites, or out of state sites, or even, out of country. Thanks, Alma

  9. I found a list of sites on Head Huggers, for groups taking Chemo cap donations. Should have looked longer I guess!

  10. Wow, this is so awesome. People can do some pretty amazing things when they put their mind to it.


  11. Just found you while following other blogs. I'm down in Ross County and I'll definitely be blogging about this!

  12. I have been searching for somewhere that it gets really cold. The things I like to make are the ones mentioned . I am disabled so I have lots of time to crochet. This started as a hobby almost 40 years ago. Now I know I've found a place that will truly appreciate receiving the things I make. Now I must get busy. Only a few days left in March so I will be a bit late with the scarves, but I will get started and move on to the next month. I've never followed a blog so we will see if this works.

  13. Anonymous, love to have your help. Please post your name next time you visit. Click name and url and leave the space for url blank if you don't have a blog. You can email me when you're ready to mail at for the mailing address.

  14. Oh I am a mat crochet hatter and have plenty of unsold hats laying around. I would love to help and put your link on my web blog at

    Do you know if there is a similar project in Illinois like this. In either case, I have family in Ohio and would love to help out.


PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.