
Saturday, June 20, 2009

I'm Pouring the CHAMPAIGNE, bring your glass!!!!!!!!!

crocheted hat and scarf2 Hats, #177 and 178, both crocheted from Dear Dear Sweet Sandie (22 needed to meet goal of 200). Both these hats are crocheted and as always fabulously done. All of Sandie's work is awesome.

Scarf, also crocheted, also from Dear Sweet Fabulous Sandie is..................#100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We've met our goal of 100 scarves. This is just wonderful exciting news. I can't tell you how happy this makes me. Please take time and swing over to Sandie's blog. She always so very busy crocheting and donating to many worthy causes, not just ours. Some of you may not know Sandie is a Author, check out her books.

Sandie has been very supportive of this charity, by blogging about it to help spreed the news, and by crocheting constantly. Many many thanks Sandie for all you've done. Truly it is appreciated. It is appreciated obviously by me and others here in our group, and more importantly it is appreciated by those we don't know. Those that strive to help, to let them know they are cared for, prayed for and in our thoughts.

If you've not explored her page, I really suggest you do; and as thank you to Sandie...see if there's one of her charities you can support in some way.
PLEASE keep knitting and crocheting hats, scarves, and mittens. Though we've met the goal of 100 scarves we'll continue our quest.


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  3. You're so sweet, Sandy. I don't do any more than anyone else. We all do what we can. This is ongoing though, right? So we continue for this winter's needs.

  4. Yaaayyy, for 100!!! I'm making boodles of mittens for you too. Here's hoping we can hit all of those goals by the time the cold weather hits!!!

  5. Congrats!!!! Here's to us - Cheers!!! :)

  6. I toast every single one of you....

  7. I always say whatever you feel like making, somebody can use. There are so many needs. Good to do some help somewhere.

  8. That statement is pretty true Sandie, the needs alter a bit here and there; but cold people pretty much always need hats, mittens, scarves.


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