
Friday, March 13, 2009

Hats and Mitts!

knitted hats and mittens
Two Darling little hats for the kiddo's at the free clinic and a pair of mittens. Thank you so much SunnieFairy. They are so needed and very much appreciated. Are your hats done on a loom? I thought sometime back you told me you used one? Very very nice.

Hats #154 & 155, AND mitts # 34

Still pretty nippy here folks, below freezing most of time, hats, mittens, and scarfs still very much needed.

Thanks for all your help.


  1. Nice work and I am sure they will be much appreciated.

  2. Glad you got them! Yeah, I made the hats on a loom. It was a breeze, so easy! :] BTW, I'm praying for you and your mom.


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