
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

HATS, HATS, HATS !!! You really have to see these

crocheted hats
People are awesome. AWESOME, I tell ya. Thank you Scarlet and Bunny. I got boxes again today!

SERIOUSLY...HATS #53-54-55-56-57-58-59-60-61-62-62 From Scarlet. THANK YOU! Look at the fun mix of colors. Nice too she made a variety of sizes to fit different sized heads! One has a bill, not sure you can tell from my photo...the far right purplish is that what they call a baseball type tobogan?

Bunny hats..#64-65, Folks can you believe how quickly we're getting these folks warmed up!

As you might know from a previous post, our friend Rae's been sick. Please keep jer in your good thoughts and prayers for her speedy recovery. crocheted hats

NO.......thats not all, really can you believe there's more!!! A beautiful green scarf from Bunny. It's lucious both in color and in thickness. Scarf #40crocheted scarf
I've just bagged up the goodies folks for our 5th delivery of donated warmth. I think thats rather special and thank you all for your gifts from the heart.

SIL, Jan and I've been playing phone tag; though we plan to get together on Friday, so I can make another "drop".

I'm sooooooooo impressed and optomestic about the help we can and are providing I'm gonna raise our bout double gang. 200.

Please continue to encourage each other and keep those hooks and needles flying.



  1. how awesome! I noticed you added a mitts/gloves counter on the sidebar... I'm gonna help with that one. :]

  2. Fabulous sunnie, we need mittens to help these folks otu. I've been looking for patterns, as I've only made one pair once before and it wasn't a good pattern. Bunny's been working on some and has posted a couple of links for patterns here a few posts back and I repeated in a 2nd post. If you need a pattern, scroll back...or if you have a good one, PLEASE post the link

  3. All the items are so wonderful and the hands that placed each stitch with love. I am getting excited too.

  4. Beautiful work! ... and I see the weather is COOOoooooLd this week. Brrrr! Everything looks really warm.

  5. More and more hats. Lovely to think of all the warm heads.

  6. The hats are very nice. Frank has been loom knitting hats and we will be sending a box in a few weeks.


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