
Monday, December 8, 2008

Promises and things in the mail

I'm very excited. I've heard from several people who've started a hat or scarf, others that things are being mailed. I will keep you all posted about progress on all fronts.

Cold and icy today here in Central Ohio. I started a scarf on my break at work. Didn't get much done, super busy day; so very soon am heading to the living room to work on it. My goal is to complete it by tomorrow night? Making it lengthwise, shades of blue. Trying to use up some left over yarn I have here at finger tips.

Thanks to all who've joined this group. I also have a group on Ravelry and had 20 members in that group today just before I headed to work. Some of you, like me....are here and there.

Sing out when I should be on the look out for my mailman.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that gets me excited, too! I can't wait to see everyone's work.

    P.S. I joined the ravelry group, too!


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